September 28, 2015

Getaways - We Need Them

It’s true. We really do. 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need to get away. Since I’m a people person, I often like to do that with my girls. I am blessed to have a number of close girlfriends who are always up for a night out or a night away. 

This time, we (somehow) decided on Gimli. One night away, beside a beach and without our kids. No responsibilities, some cash, and two cars full of girls :D 

I cannot tell you how much fun this was. From night swimming, to hot tubbing. From drinking coolers and taking our blood pressure (we’re cool, we know.) to playing Dutch Blitz for a full three hours until 3am. From breakfast at Beach Boy’s to touring the shops and the local Art Gallery. From walking along the beach to exploring the harbor, this was a superb night away. 

Top it all off with plenty of laughing fits, a new toque and a starbucks latte? Yes, please :)
Here are some pictures of my beautiful friends and the beautiful scenery <3 

*Sidenote; I did not drink a cooler as I am dealing with the Intracranial Hypertension. So if you have that, don't do it. Just in case!  

                                                     saw a bride, with purple heels <3

September 22, 2015

The Journey: a Health Update

If you are new; Welcome! here is some background on this update: Not a Summary: Part 1

This morning I had my third appointment with my neurologist-ophthalmologist to check out the pressure surrounding my brain; which he does by taking a picture of the back of my eyes. It's pretty cool actually, and slightly creepy looking ha

I was a little nervous for this one because I've only lost three more pounds as opposed to the five last time. I really do not want to go on medication and he won’t make me, as long as I keep losing weight. 
This past week has also been a bit rough and it felt like my symptoms had gotten worse. It didn’t help that my blood pressure was up to 157/92. A good blood pressure is 120/80. So, needless to say, that ‘old’ fear reared its head and I had to do some serious work on that last night. However, I had the opportunity to sing at Fusion (our church's youth group) last night and the song - Holy Spirit - itself helped calm my spirit. After that, I asked two of my friends to pray for me and I headed over to my parents to check my blood pressure; this is usually an indicator of how things are doing in my brain too ha

The first check was pretty bad; 160/94. My doctor has mentioned that if I’m consistently around 150/90, I need to come in. So I tried to focus on my breathing and on my Jesus. Then my dad suggested I try Belladonna (a homeopathic drop). I did and 4 minutes later I checked my blood pressure. It was 133/85!!! Now, the homeopathic doctors often say if it’s the right drop, it should work in minutes. If you're skeptical, I'm now happy to be able to confirm that! I took it once more and fifteen minutes later checked again and it was 124/74 :’) This was a huge blessing as I was now able to calm down a bit and go home to sleep.

I took my little girl with me to the appointment this morning because 645am is just too early to ask for a babysitter ha! And it was actually super wonderful. Normally when I take her with on things like this it stresses me out a bit (for no reason, she’s a very super child) and makes me extra exhausted. Not today :) This also tells me I’m getting better and it makes me so happy! She was wonderful company. Lots of talking, singing and dancing on the drive and of course she made all the nurses and doctors smile. She was happy as could be despite me waking her up so early! I love that I’ll get to do things together with her for the rest of my life <3 

My neuro-opthamalogist had good news for me; no medication needed!! There is still pressure so I have to go back in a month but, as I am losing weight and coming in for follow-ups, he will spare me the meds. I am so very grateful. 

For those of you that kind of skimmed this whole thing because blood pressure numbers are fairly boring (I am not offended :P), here is a summary:

-I am still not on medication. This is risky, but still a good thing as the side effects were no good
-I have lost 16 pounds. I have 19 more pounds to lose until I hit the neurologist’s goal
-I have more energy but am not yet back to normal
-I still see sparkles often but have had no blackouts or vision loss (WOOHOO!!)
-I go for blood tests for my thyroid in a few weeks to see if it’s working better
-The neurologist and I are still expecting a full recovery once the weight has been lost :)
Thank you for continuing to share in my journey; whether it’s been keeping up here, praying, sending good wishes, or being understanding when I need to rest. You are all amazing <3

Ps. This was the sunrise on my way to the appointment this morning. A good sign :)

September 17, 2015

Killing the Guilt

On occasion, there are different little whispers I hear going through my head; the bad kind. The lie kind. I am forever working on changing them into Truths and turning my attitude or day around after I hear them. But one of the loudest whispers would definitely have to be named Guilt. 

And oh how I hate it.

It’s completely useless, completely unnecessary and just plain makes you feel like crap. 

So let’s end it! 

What a great idea Steph, I’m sure nobody has thought of that before. 

But hooooooooow?

That is the question. And I don’t think I have a resolute answer, but I do have some ideas that may help.

For example: I recently started back at work, half-time. My mat leave was over at the end of August and I was both nervous and excited. It has been three weeks ish and so far it’s going really well. Alex LOVES her nanny and grandma time, is never sad when I say goodbye and is SO very excited to see me when I come home. I’m having fun at work, yes FUN. At WORK. Lol it is possible people! My brain feels like it’s getting worked in a different way every day and it feels like I’m back at my second home with all my beautiful co-workers. 

This all sounds so wonderful doesn’t it? And when people ask how it’s going, this is usually what I tell them and they are so happy for me. And I am too… except when the Guilt starts to whisper.

 Don’t you think you should feel bad that Alex is being raised by other people?

 Don’t you think when she’s sad, she wonders where you are and why you aren’t holding her?

Don’t you think she’s waiting for you, to come home and play Chase games with her?

How can you be having fun at work when you’ve sacrificed time with your child for it?

These are the thoughts that haunt me. Especially that last one. And many more.  They are toxic and I don’t want them. So I've started to do something about it. Basically, I throw a fit whenever they come around. Real healthy I’m sure haha 

In all seriousness though, sometimes you just have to yell at them to SHUT UP. They are not real, they are not facts, they are not lawful. And maybe you can’t control them from showing up, but you can usually control how long they stick around! So get mad, throw a fit and order them out! 

The Truth: Alex is still being raised mostly by myself and her daddy. Those who are helping, have similar styles of ‘parenting’ and are respecting our rules. 

The Truth: when she is sad, she has someone there who loves her, to comfort her and she knows I’ll be there soon

The Truth: of course she’s probably wanting to play games with me but is so distracted that she most likely doesn’t know it until I actually get home

The Truth: I can have fun while doing things other than Mothering. I enjoy working, I enjoy having a kid-free girls night and I enjoy going for walks alone with just Jesus and my music. These things are all for short periods of time and I believe actually make me better at the Mothering thing; because I’m not as tired, I miss her more and I make a point of spending even more time with her than before. 

The dishes will wait. The guilt can go away. I will resolve (possibly a few hundred times a day ha) to change the whispers. It’s time to sit on the rug, read books and play lego castle with my baby. 

Mothering is by FAR my favourite and guilt cannot take that from me. I won’t let it.

September 08, 2015

A Road Trip and a Wedding

I’m a bit behind with this blog; apparently when you don’t have the internet, this makes it infinitely harder to post things. 
So, since it’s my blog and I can do what I want, I’m going to post old things from the last few weeks because they rocked my socks :D Starting with a family road trip (there will be pictures.. I’m warning you because my daughter is literally the cutest person and your heart may ache, in a good way)

At the end of August (right before my mat leave ended) we headed out to Edmonton with the family for a wedding (my superb cousin Riley and his equally superb fiancé Taylor). We rented a van; yes that’s right, so that we could hang out on the way there while saving gas money. #coolestkids
We took the drive in two days; praise the Lord. With an 11 month old baby who refused to sleep for the entire day, this was a blessing. Other than that, she was a dream child to travel with. I was so proud of her. She partied with us all day long and slept hard allllll night. It was amazing! 

The first evening consisted of a beautiful Italian restaurant with delicious food, me finding out my Polaroid wasn’t working (legit wanted to throw a fit in the middle of the street but I kept my cool and just repeated brokenly “I’m so sad, I’m so sad”) and wine and wifi in the evening at our beautiful hotel suite.

Friday we had all day to do whatever we wanted. My husband and my dad made us ladies breakfast (I could get used to that) and we lounged until Alex woke up.  Naturally, when you are this close to a mall, you are in a sudden need for a new outfit. We spent our evening browsing and eating and yes! I did find an outfit to wear to the wedding! I also stayed under my budget (both of these things give me a rush.. I am a numbers fanatic  #dontjudge) A successful evening.

Saturday was also a ‘free’ day, so it was off to the waterpark! Alex got to spend lots of time with Grandma and Aunty Carrie and I got to hang out with my dad, husband, cousins and Uncles! First up was the speed slide.. yeesh. You go into a capsule and they drop the bottom out from under you. After that, I could do anything!
I was a little concerned about the pressure in my brain (see my last three posts for background on that: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3) but the only rule I saw for medical conditions did not list mine so I said a prayer and went for it. It was the most fun I have had in a long time :) Did I mention almost all of the my dad's side and a good portion of our small town was out? It was terribly fun running into everyone and hanging out with them so far from home. I had missed them all; we need more gatherings! 
After the waterpark it was Olive Garden for supper and then the hotel for swimming and hot tubbing .. this was also amazing because we have yet another set of cousins that live in Edmonton and they joined. We were too many people for one room, so we pulled up all the chairs in the lobby and talked until the night. <3 my heart was so full 

Sunday; WEDDING DAAAAAY! So much excitement. I can’t really describe how much we love Riley and Taylor. Riley is our cousin but also our friend. He’s very calm, laid back, only says what he means, and has a sharp wit. He has chosen the most beautiful, caring woman who laughs very easily (lucky for Riley and his puns hehe) and brings joy to everyone she meets. I could not be happier for these two or that I get to attend this wedding. Yet another bonus; Riley’s brother Tyler is out from New Zealand (he is all over the globe, a missionary of sorts) and it had been too long since we have seen him!

The wedding was beautiful, the reception was full of fun and laughs (other than the unfortunate instance where Alex peed on a friends dress.. oops. She handled it well ha) and the food was perfect. Why is it that food makes everything even better?

When we got back to the hotel; the family joined us yet again for hot tubbing and talking. Did I mention the fact that my stud of a husband offered to stay back in the hotel with Alex while she slept so that I could stay out with my family? Man, I love that guy. 

The next day, we left early in the morning for home but stopped in at Riley and Taylor’s (they were gone obviously) where his entire family was staying. Seeing them all for one last time was the icing on the cake! The nights with family will stay in my mind forever and I am beyond blessed to have them. It was a fantastic ‘end-of-my-mat-leave’ celebration/summer vacation. 

Ensue pictures.


                                               do you see that photobomb? level: kayla