March 23, 2015

Rookie Blogger

So, apparently my 'About Me' is way too long for the 1,200 character rule. It has now become my first blog post instead. I'm happy you are all here :) 

My name is Stephanie
I'm 24
Singing is how I connect & continue
Reading is my way to escape & explore
I'm not very observant of physical change & don't always have a good memory, so I'm constantly working on that
With emotions, I'm fairly analytical. This is both good & bad
My default is to see the good in all; people & things
Yes to cats & no to spiders
I change my hair a lot, it's a healthy de-stressor
I'm hoping to get a tattoo, swim in the ocean & paint something by 2016
I am a list person
I don't like baking.. my love for cooking comes & goes
I love Summer, but I love Fall the most
I'm usually barefoot
My sister is my best friend
I'm blessed with family gatherings full of fun & love
My friends are indescribable
I am married to a very attractive & wonderfully good man named Travis, he's my person
With marriage came Aunty status; it's seriously awesome
We had a baby girl in September, 2014. Her name is Alex Jade & she is joy.
I would not be where I am today without my relationship with Jesus <3

I'm not an eloquent or grammatically correct writer. Usually, I write to process a thought or share something in hopes of encouraging someone else in their journey. Sometimes I write just because the sight of a blank page is thrilling. 

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