July 22, 2016

Neurology & Pregnancy

As many of you already know; my husband and I have recently found out that we are pregnant J

This is a wonderful thing and I’m so very happy that Alex will have a sibling sometime early next year. This was also, however, a very nervous thing for me. It was a little earlier than planned and I didn’t know what this would mean for my health; brain-pressure wise.

I’ve been dealing with morning sickness for a while now and honestly believe it’s been so bad because of how stressed I have been about my, then, upcoming neurologist appointment. Well, that appointment is over now and I’m doing much better! It’s more like regular morning sickness now (with the help of Diclectin from the Dr. as well) and I’m very happy to post about my appointment today!

After taking a look at the pictures of my eyes, my Neurologist was very pleased. He said both eyes were doing much better and they looked good. I was so relieved to hear that and then I shared the news. I’m pregnant. What does this mean for me?  What does this mean for Baby?

Well, he was very excited for us J And promptly told me I should find out what I’m having haha This is why I like him.. he’s so genuine! He congratulated me and said that he was very happy with the fact that we are starting out with things fairly under control.

 He advised me to follow my Doctor’s curve of weight gain but to do my very best not to go over it, as he expects as I gain weight, the disease will come back. He’s hoping not to the extent that it was, but said we would deal with it then.

As the pills for lowering the pressure around your brain have not been completely proven to be safe for babies, I will not be taking them even if necessary in the later stages of this pregnancy. If I think about that for too long, it gets scary. My vision could be at risk; however, it’s not my life or my baby’s life and I’m just so very thankful for that.

The plan is, once morning sickness is over and I am not repulsed by all random things on the planet, to eat extremely healthily during this pregnancy.. in the hopes that I gain only what is healthy for the baby and also won’t be too much for me. Some prayers would be much appreciated as this is a different journey than the last time <3

On another positive note; many women whose hypothyroidism is caused by a first pregnancy (this is me), is often reversed and set back to normal after a second pregnancy. I am very hopeful that this will be the case for me and that after this beautiful second baby, all my Winnipeg appointments and daily pills can stop! Wouldn’t that be amazing?? Yes. Yes it would <3

Thanks for listening, yet again! Sorry this one was a bit more factual than fun ;)